Is your Microsoft 365 in a muddle?
Are you troubled by Teams?
Scared by SharePoint?
Confused by the cloud?

Did your business migrate to or ramp up using M365 when the COVID-19 pandemic hit?
If so, you will recognise the feeling that now things are 'back to normal' you aren't getting as much from your M365 environment as you would like or need.
Do you want to maximise the benefits of your investment in MS Teams?
Streamline your processes and turn all that 'stuff' into valuable & accessible information?
Help your people to get more done?!

I work with small to medium sized businesses who want to get better at using their M365 environment but aren't sure how...
Do your people need to get better at using MS Teams?
Do you have the feeling that you are only using small bits of the M365 package you are paying for?
I can maximise the value of your M365 in the following areas:

If you adopted MS Teams during Covid you may be starting to realise that your Teams is troublesome because your people had little time to get to grips with it...
Why not tidy up your Teams with my TEN STEP PROCESS and organise a proper TEAMS ROLL-OUT with active learning support and onboarding for your people?

Do you just not have the time or the onsite skillset to manage your M365 / MS Teams environment effectively?
Do you need someone to step in, sort it out and provide continuing support?
I offer ad hoc MS Teams administration and management services in flexible packages.

Some businesses have M365 but use third party Project Management apps & services to run their projects...
... Why spend more when you can get just as much done with your existing Microsoft licenses?
Let me show you how to build a simple and effective project management environment using M365!

Different businesses have different needs from their SharePoint environment...
If you would like help to design, set up and or administrate your SharePoint environment give me a call on:
07525 258 531

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