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Let's Get Tidy Teams!
Did your people start or ramp up using Microsoft Teams when the COVID-19 pandemic hit?


If so, you will recognise the feeling that now things are getting 'back to normal' your Teams environment is feeling a little messy and out of control!​Is that an understatement? ​Don't worry - I get it... that's why I've createdTEN STEPS TO TIDY TEAMS

Can you answer YES to any of these questions?

  • Did you start using MS Teams during lockdown?

  • Did you start using it with little or no guidance?

  • Do you now have Teams for everything and nothing at all?

  • Do you worry that your documents aren't stored correctly?

  • Do you have trouble finding the files you need?

  • Have you spent more than a minute looking for a document then given up?

  • Are you unsure when to attach files to emails or share them in MS Teams?

  • Does your Teams seem to have a life of it's own?

  Would you like to fix it but find 'techy' content complicated and intimidating?

Do you know what you want to do but just don't have the time to do it?

Then you need

Imagine how relaxed 

you will feel

when you have your

Teams in order

It will be so much easier than you think with a systematic approach and a roadmap for success...

...And I can be there to help and guide you

every step of the way!

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MS Teams can help your business
save and make money!

In 2019, Microsoft commissioned a report on the economic impact of MS Teams. It found that:

The number of & time spent in meetings was reduced along with business travel


Businesses were able to easily replace hardware & software solutions such as video conferencing tools and phones


Up to four hours per week was saved by workers no longer having to switch between apps and having easier access to information


Decision-making is accelerated and productivity increased by enabling remote working, shared document storage and collaborative capabilities.

This is why it's so important to keep your Teams tidy!

Options and Pricing

The following 4 options are available

to get your MS Teams tidy...

*Support credits are based on flexible one hour slots bookable individually or in blocks: 1 day equates to 7 hours so 5 days equates to 35 flexible hours usable over a 90 day period.

You may choose to get my TEN STEPS TO TIDY TEAMS e-book and simply follow the steps



take options 3 or 4 and get me on board to help…




I also offer ad hoc MS Teams administration and support services with the following options:


*Support credits are based on flexible one hour slots bookable individually or in blocks: 1 day equates to 7 hours so 5 days equates to 35 flexible hours usable over a 90 day period.

*These prices are based on businesses from 25-250 licenses - please contact me if you need more!

Email me for more details:

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